Things are coming along nicely…..

…if I do say so myself.

I paid my first month’s rent for the room in the back of Yellow Feather Coffee Shop, and soon it will be Growler Record Store, located at 742 Santa Fe Drive in Central Denver.

This is what it looks like now, but some paint, some shelves and some posters should make it look like an actual record store – or maybe your bedroom in high school.

This is the entrance from the back.  I need a bike rack and a sign over the door to make it more inviting.

I have about 3 weeks to get a lot of stuff done.  I want to have a grand opening September 3rd.  So, basically I will be working every single day.  If you happen to be in the neighborhood, stop in and say hello.  Check out the progress I’m making and offer words of encouragement.

About Growler Distro

Growler Distro, or Growler Record Store, are the same thing: a project aimed at selling records, tapes, CDs, CDRs, zines, books, and cool handmade trinkets in Denver, CO, which I'm proud to say is my home. My name is Molly and I've been tabling at punk shows since 2006 and now I'm expanding to a brick and mortar shop at 742 Santa Fe Drive. (Days and hours TBA) I've always loved underground music for it's freshness and honesty and I want you to feel like you can discover a gem as well. I believe that music brings people together much like a well-prepared meal can. And, I think that underground music and literature often talk about the things in life most important to you, whether that be disenchantment with the state of things or a truly broken heart. I carry a lot of different styles of music, so don't limit yourself to one definition of what underground or punk might mean to you. Growler Record Store has music for quiet, contemplative rainy days, dance parties, and even for the apocalypse. I have music made by women, queers, people of color, and in many different languages. You will find your voice as expressed by talented musicians, just the way it was meant to be. And you will likely leave feeling inspired by and connected to your fellow humans. How to find me: and
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